Welcome to Cebu Hash House Harriers

If you are looking for easy running or walking trails in Cebu, with an active social side to boot, then we may be the people for you! We normally run in or around Metro Cebu, including the surrounding provinces and mountains. Sometimes we venture further, perhaps to a distant town or a nearby island. We welcome everyone, including children; although adult language can often be heard once the beer starts flowing at the circle!

Whilst some Hashers will run the trail, many will walk it. Most of our trails are a loop (start and finish at the same place) and are usually 3.5km to 6.5kmin length. We have frequent Hash Halts to allow the slower Hashers to catch up or quench their thirst.

Hash Runs are held every SUNDAY; meet up locations vary according to where the run is, but we often meet around 2pm or sometimes earlier. Registration is P100; kids are free. It’s good if you have transport although you may be able to get a lift, or sometimes we have a van available at extra cost. For the latest information, check out the Official Cebu Hash House Harriers Group on Facebook; if you need a lift, posting on there is a good start. Details of our next Upcumming Event follow or check out Hash Trash.

Location When Summary Description
  28th Apr 2024 Hash #1432  

Hashing is a thirsty activity and Cebu Hash House Harriers now have a ‘Bring Your Own’ policy so don’t forget water and whatever your favourite tipple is for after the run.